Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- perl-CGI - CGI modules for perl
- perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
- perl-Digest-SHA - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- perl-ExtUtils-Constant - Generate XS code to import C header constants
- perl-IO-Socket-IP - Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
- perl-IO-Zlib - IO:: interface to Compress::Zlib
- perl-Mojolicious - A next generation web framework for Perl
- perl-Net-DNS-Native - Non-blocking system DNS resolver
- perl-Package-Constants - Perl module to list all constants declared in a package
- perl-Socket - Networking constants and support functions
- perl-Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- perl-Test-Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests
- perl-Time-Local - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- perl-parent - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
- plague - Distributed build system for RPMs
- plague-builder - Builder daemon for Plague builder slaves
- plague-client - Package queueing client for the Plague build system
- plague-common - Common resources for the Plague build system
- plague-utils - Utility programs for the Plague build system
- ppp-devel - Headers for ppp plugin development