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system environment/libraries
Judy -
General purpose dynamic array
dirac -
Dirac is an open source video codec
dirac-libs -
Libraries for dirac
fastlz -
Portable real-time compression library
ffmpeg-libpostproc -
Video postprocessing library from ffmpeg
firebird-libfbclient -
Multi-threaded, non-local client libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS
freetds -
Implementation of the TDS (Tabular DataStream) protocol
gd-last -
A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
iksemel -
An XML parser library designed for Jabber applications
libev -
High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features
liblzf -
Small data compression library
libmcrypt -
Encryption algorithms library
libuv -
Platform layer for node.js
libva -
Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
libx86 -
Library for making real-mode x86 calls
libyaz -
Z39.50 libraries
libzip-last -
C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
libzip5 -
C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
opencore-amr -
Adaptive Multi-Rate Floating-point (AMR) Speech Codec
openpgm -
An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
orc -
The Oil Run-time Compiler
php-PHPMailer -
PHP email transport class with a lot of features
pkcs11-helper -
A library for using PKCS#11 providers
schroedinger -
Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec
smeserver-ajaxterm -
ajaxterm is a web-based terminal
spandsp -
A DSP library for telephony
sqlite2 -
Embeddable SQL engine in a C library
x264 -
Library for encoding and decoding H264/AVC video streams
zeromq -
Software library for fast, message-based applications