system environment/base
- centos-release - CentOS release file
- centos-release-notes - CentOS release notes files
- device-mapper - device mapper library
- device-mapper-event - Device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper.
- dhcpv6-client - DHCPv6 client
- dmidecode - Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data.
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing the second and third extended (ext2/ext3) filesystems
- glibc-common - Common binaries and locale data for glibc
- hwdata - Hardware identification and configuration data
- irqbalance - IRQ balancing daemon.
- kpartx - Partition device manager for device-mapper devices.
- lvm2 - Userland logical volume management tools
- microcode_ctl - Tool to update x86/x86-64 CPU microcode.
- mkinitrd - Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules.
- nash - nash shell
- nss_ldap - NSS library and PAM module for LDAP.
- pam - A security tool which provides authentication for applications
- rpm - The RPM package management system
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files.
- tzdata - Timezone data
- udev - A userspace implementation of devfs