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system environment/base
atrpms -
Meta-package providing services for atrpms
authconfig -
Text-mode tool for setting up NIS and shadow passwords.
centos-release -
Centos Linux release file
coreutils -
The GNU core utilities: a set of tools commonly used in shell scripts
device-mapper -
device mapper library
dhclient -
Development headers and libraries for interfacing to the DHCP server
dmraid -
dmraid (Device-mapper RAID tool and library)
dstat -
Versatile resource statistics tool
e-smith-quota -
e-smith server and gateway - quota module
e2fsprogs -
Utilities for managing the second extended (ext2) filesystem.
glibc-common -
Common binaries and locale data for glibc
hwdata -
Hardware identification and configuration data
kernel-utils -
Kernel and Hardware related utilities
libuser -
A user and group account administration library.
logrotate -
Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
lvm2 -
Userland logical volume management tools
net-tools -
Basic networking tools.
pam -
A security tool which provides authentication for applications.
quota -
System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage.
rpm -
The RPM package management system.
setup -
A set of system configuration and setup files.
shadow-utils -
Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files.
smeserver-audittools -
SME Server auditing tools
smeserver-clamav -
SME Server module to configure clamav
tzdata -
Timezone data
udev -
A userspace implementation of devfs
util-linux -
A collection of basic system utilities.
vixie-cron -
The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times.